Monday, March 31, 2014

Focus 40: part 3

Today marks the midway point in our 40 day journey. Easter is in 20 days! I've been so encouraged by the unfolding of God's plan before us as we've continued to bring repeated prayer before Him. There is something to being persistent in prayer. I think Jesus said something about that. In fact, just check it out for yourself. (see Luke 18:1-8, emphasis on the first verse)

#3 - Church Health & Growth
Church leaders are so used to hearing these words and would give their right arm to see their ministries grow & be healthy. In fact, leaders are so desperate they tend to cycle through dozens of books and attend numerous conferences and seminars on this very topic. We look at what others are doing and think if we just did it that way, we too can be "successful." As I've personally been praying for health & growth at the Waters Edge Church, I keep coming back to a statement Jesus himself made. He said, "I will build my church." And another one. "Follow me."

I think he meant what he said. Call me simple.

I also don't think those two statements can be divorced in the hearts of those he has chosen to lead his people. What I mean is, we can become so obsessed with "building the church" ourselves (and our egos), we forget it's his work. Then we say "Follow me." And fail to point people to the beauty and glory of Christ as revealed in the gospel.

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