Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The WEC Logo

We recently unveiled the new logo for the Water's Edge Church in Virginia Beach. The feedback has been really positive, so I thought it would be good to jot down some of the inspiration and meaning behind what is essentially a very simple graphic design.

When we decided to go ahead and pull the trigger on the "rebranding" process, it was important that our key leadership understood that it was about more than just a logo. We believe strongly in the vision of WEC and want to be intentional in how we communicate that vision. A logo is just one piece of the puzzle. Everything we say out loud, print on a page, hang on our walls, or share on social media, says something about who we are. We wanted to make sure we were sending the right message. After sharing our vision with another local pastor, he was gracious enough to use his creative mind and design skills to help us in our process. (So thankful for kingdom-minded pastors that aren't solely concerned with "building their own kingdom"). 

The Water Drop - A Vision for Our Gathering

Mark chapter 4 describes a scene in the life of Jesus in which he was teaching next to a body of water. The number of people that gathered around him became so large that it was difficult for Jesus to address them all. As they pressed in on him, it is recorded that Jesus got into a boat "while all the people were along the shore at the water's edge" (Mark 4:1, NIV). Then, the Bible says, he "taught them many things."

I often think about who was in that crowd. Undoubtedly, people from all walks of life were present. Jesus was an intriguing figure. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of him. They wanted to hear what he had to say whether or not they agreed with him. The water drop that appears in our logo is a mosaic design. Each piece is different. Through the design, we are reminded of the diverse crowd Jesus attracted. We want to be a church where all types of people come to hear the teachings of Jesus; the saved, the seeker, and the skeptic. Jesus offers himself to all as "living water," and those who drink of it will never thirst again (John 4).

The water drop also resembles a piece of stained glass art. It reminds us that in Christ our brokenness can be made whole again. It demonstrates that we are not perfect, but are perfectly redeemed. The stained glass look also ties us back to the long history of the church. Stained glass images were used in churches not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to paint pictures of the biblical narrative in a time when illiteracy was highly prevalent. Through art and other creative expressions, we want to share the good news of Jesus Christ.  

The Circle - The Sovereignty of God

The circle around the water drop in our logo is designed to illustrate the sovereignty of God. Proverbs 8:29 says, "he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth."

And . . .

"Do you not fear me? declares the LORD. Do you not tremble before me? I placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, a perpetual barrier that it cannot pass; though the waves toss, they cannot prevail; though they roar, they cannot pass over it." - Jeremiah 5:22

The circle serves as a reminder that God is in control through the good times . . . and the bad. We want to be a church that is willingly submissive to the plan and purpose of God. After all, we want to be a church that is most passionate about what's most important

1 comment:

  1. In addition to the new logo design is a makeover of the Oasis Building. Currently the Oasis room, the foyer and the halls are being repainted. Even though the painters are not complete, it looks great!. After they complete the carpet within the Oasis room will be replaced and the lighting will be upgraded.

    Stay tune for additional improvements!
