Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Focus 40: part 5

In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells his followers that they will be his witnesses "in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." The remainder of the book of Acts recounts how their witness to the gospel spread from Jerusalem out...in the concentric circles he described. A lot of times I think the church today fails to recognize we are the product of a long list of witnesses. Think about it. If you are a believer, it is because someone shared with you the good news about Jesus Christ. What we do today in the church is a continuation of what Jesus told his followers to do about two thousand years ago. We are witnesses in our city. We are witnesses in our region. And we are witnesses to the world.

#5 - Missions in Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads, & World

At the Water's Edge, we say we are called to be witnesses "in Virginia Beach, to all of Hampton Roads, and to the world". As we pray for a missionary spirit, my specific prayer is that our witness extend beyond the walls of our building and into our homes, our neighborhoods, and our workplace. I pray that our church would have favor with God and man as we further our witness in the Hampton Roads region. And beyond that, I pray for the ministries of those we support around the world, specifically in Micronesia and Honduras. I'm excited to visit the Ocote Church this summer. Pastor Danny leads the Honduran congregation there. I'm eager to discuss how our partnership with them can serve to help further the kingdom of God . . . "to the end of the earth." 

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